One simple phrase, Turn Around. That's what did it. Leigh Anne said to her husband when she saw Michael walking on the streets that night when they were driving home - the night that they picked him up. Literally, they turned around and they put him in their car. And that was that. But from that moment Micheal's life was turned around.
Life gets busy for all of us and we have a way of always looking in front of us, forgetting to see what's going on in every other direction. TURN AROUND and see others. TURN AROUND and see how YOU can help. TURN AROUND and see what amazing things your child is doing, discovering and feeling. TURN AROUND and ask if YOU can PLAY! TURN AROUND and PARTICIPATE.
Everyday, I listen to parents and students and help them have a voice when they may not have had one before. Many times the journey to me has been long and tough. There are plenty of kids that are slipping between the cracks because no one is helping them find their voice - or no one is hearing them once they find it.
TURN AROUND and BE PRESENT. Don't live your life thinking and waiting for someone else to do it - because they may not. Give a child a hand, an education, a round of applause. At the end of the day, you both will feel fuller than you ever thought possible. By simply turning around, you can turn around and empower a life.
Thanks Leigh Anne Tuohy.
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