Students, in fact all individuals, are most effective when they are taught in their personal learning style. There are 3 major types of learners: visual (seeing), auditory (hearing/listening), and tactile/kinesthetic (touching/experiencing). While most individuals can learn using any one of these styles, generally most have one for which they show a stronger likeness. Take a look at the three detailed descriptions below... which one do you feel that you are most like? How about your child/student? Are you alike? Do you feel like his or her study habits could be tailored more to incorporate these styles?
A Closer Look...
Auditory Learners - Auditory learners are those who generally learn best by listening. They typically like to learn through lectures, discussions, and reading aloud. They remember best through hearing or saying items aloud.
Kinesthetic Learners- Kinesthetic, also called tactile, learners are those who learn best through touching, feeling, and experiencing that which they are trying to learn. They remember best by writing or physically manipulating the information.
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