I found this to be true on many days as a teacher and even more so now as a parent and business owner and educator/advocate that works with families and children of all ages. Enthusiasm is passed on. It's not taught. It's actually a gift we can give kids from a very early age. Enthusiasm translates into so many areas of children's lives and up through the teen years and into young adult hood - in ways we have all probably forgotten about as adults. Being able to get excited about who you are, what you have done, what you can accomplish and what others around you have and are able to accomplish is a beautiful thing. A "pay it forward" type of thing.
I recently saw a quote a my son's Kyuki-Do studio that read, "Enthusiasm is caught, not taught."Encourage your kids to be excited and enthusiastic about what they do. While it may get loud and somewhat over the top sometimes (I know it does at our house), it's a good thing. It's creative. It's the brain working overtime. It's friendships being built. It's education.
Teach your child to foster this enthusiasm...and you know what, CATCH IT from him or her! Enjoy it with them! It's definitely better to have this spirit than the one so many adults (myself included) get lost in on so many days. Remember what it's like to get lost in something you love.
As strange as it sounds... Keep your own virtual pom poms in your car, too. I'm never ashamed or embarrassed of being the cheerleader for kids and adults alike. I'm helping them catch their enthusiasm. Are you?
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