I learned this summer that patience is a lot more than a word. It's a gift that we give a kids and ourselves, and it takes time to unwrap and really understand the true power it holds. I learned that when given the opportunity to just play again - with no distractions - I have more fun than I did when I myself was an 8 year old in the summers. Slip n slides are more fun, sprinklers feel much better and water gun fights are become all out wars.
I found out that the power of my words, my tone and sheer facial expressions can turn a child upside down. Again - see the sentence above on patience. :) I taught myself that it's ok to turn my phone off, walk away from work and just be mom, wife and friend for an hour, a day or a few days - and you know what - the world keeps going on. I learned that just because they make amazing cupcakes on Cupcake Wars, doesn't mean my son and I can make them in my kitchen. We did have fun eating the frosting off the tops though. I learned that somethings are better left to the professionals on TV.
I learned that bumper boats are much more fun when you spin around and around and spray other people at full blast. I taught myself how to launch water balloons and also how to run from them when being tossed at me! I learned that when at the pool, it's OK to get wet! It's not just about sitting on the lounge chair, or dipping feet in from the side. It's about getting full on in the water, throwing diving sticks, going in water mushrooms, freezing when the water hits your belly, and racing to see who can swim the fastest. I found out what it felt like to race down a giant waterslide with my 8 yr old cheering me on. I beat fear.
I learned that even 8 yr olds are allowed to not like their moms every day. They have ups and downs that adults have - only they actually express it better than we do. I learned that it's ok not to have all the answers and to just say that sometimes and walk away. I taught myself to have time outs.
All in all, I learned that it's not always easy - being a mom, a wife, a friend, a teacher, a mentor, a business owner... any of it. But, it's how we learn to deal with it. Where we find the joy in each moment and how we find the teachable moments. I probably taught myself more this summer than I did my son. I am far from perfect - way far. But at the end of the summer, I am closer to being the mom I want to be, and my son is closer to knowing the mom he has. We became friends this summer. Knock down drag out friends, mind you, but friends none the less.
My son knows that I am a work in progress and now starting school in 5 days, he knows that it's ok that he is too.
What did you do on your summer vacation?
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ReplyDeleteGreat way to look at being a mom. This will be a summer to remember for all the right reasons. Hold on to those moments... they pass too fast!