Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rules to Live By

As our kids play sports, do team activities, or individual activities, they are taught simple rules to help make their experience a safer, more productive and fun one. As I was thinking about these rules and talking to my own son about them, I realized they apply to everything we do on a daily basis...school, work, relationships with friends/parents/siblings/teachers/co-workers/bosses/coaches and of course, teammates.

Here's our favorite list... We've printed them out, shared them and I even have them posted beside my computer in my office as a reminder to myself. Enjoy!

  1. Know the Game

  2. Pay attention to the Coach at all times

  3. Know your Opponent

  4. Be a Team Player

  5. Practice a Winning Attitude

  6. Find out what you do Best

  7. Find out what you need to work on

  8. Practice, practice, practice. And when you think your done...practice some more.

  9. Learn from your mistakes.

  10. Have Fun!

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